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Dall·E 2024 06 17 11

Embracing the Aged Care On-site Pharmacist (ACOP) Role: A Positive Step Forward

​Imagine walking into a residential aged care facility where residents greet you with a smile, knowing that their medication management is in safe, expert hands. This is the reality for Aged Care O...

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Shutterstock 430087837 Sml   News Update

Why Pharmacy Students should be included in the new Commonwealth Prac Payment

​In the small town of Mudgee, NSW, the local community pharmacist starts their day before the first light creeps through the pharmacy door. As the town awakens, their pharmacy becomes a bustling hu...

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Shutterstock 430087837 Sml   News Update

Pharmacy's Response to the 2023 Intergenerational Report: A Path to Improved Healthcare

The release of the 2023 Intergenerational Report by the Australian government has sparked significant discussion within the healthcare sector. This report, which projects an increase in healthcare ...

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