At Raven’s we understand that stepping into the world of locum pharmacy can be daunting and there are many unanswered questions that can prevent you from taking the plunge.
Nivi and I have been making notes of the most frequently asked questions surrounding locum work so that we could collate a guide of answers and help prepare you to get started.
Our 2019 locum guide is completely free for any Pharmacist to request on our website. To receive a copy click here to send us a request.
The guide will walk you through what working with Raven’s Recruitment will look like, from what to expect in the first phone call to setting up your job alerts and then booking you into your first locum job.
We have highlighted what you need to get started, providing a list of the key documents you will need and how to polish up your CV. In addition to this, we’ve also provided 5 top tips that we have collated through our own experience & that have been passed along from our top performing locums on how to stay organized and get re-booked again and again!
Most importantly, we have broken down the 4 types of payment options you will encounter as a locum. Raven’s Recruitment is the only Pharmacy specific recruitment agency to offer a payroll service to it’s locums so an ABN is not necessary to locum, despite what rumors you may have heard about this. For those considering the ABN path, you will find a brief summary of your ABN obligations and some helpful links for further information about this.
We hope this serves as a helpful tool to give you the confidence to get started and of course the Raven’s locum team is always happy to answer any questions we may have missed in our 2019 Locum Guide.
Happy locuming!
By Belinda Jeffries and Nivi Kent, Locum Recruitment Consultants at Raven’s Recruitment.