
Budget Win! How the Albanese Government's Budget Benefits Aussie Community Pharmacies

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​Remember that time a patient told you they couldn't afford their medication? Thanks to some key measures in the Albanese Government's 2024 Commonwealth Budget, that might become a thing of the past. Let's dive into the good news for Australian community pharmacies!

Cost of Living Relief for Patients and Pharmacies

The Pharmacy Guild of Australia is celebrating a win for both patients and pharmacies. A freeze on the annual indexation of the maximum patient co-payment for Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) medicines will save Australians a whopping $318 million over the next four years [1].This means that for up to five years, the amount patients pay out-of-pocket won't increase with the cost of living, making essential medicines more accessible. That's a win for their wellbeing and your bottom line, with fewer patients having to forgo important medications.

More Support for Dose Administration Aids

Great news for pharmacies that offer Dose Administration Aids (DAAs)! The budget allocates $151.1 million over five years to improve access to DAAs, lifting the service cap from 60 to 90 services per pharmacy per week [2]. This recognises the valuable role you play in ensuring patients take their medications correctly, ultimately leading to better health outcomes.

Continued Support for Aged Care On-site Pharmacists

The government has reaffirmed its commitment to the Aged Care On-site Pharmacists (ACOP) program, investing $333.7 million to embed pharmacists in aged care facilities. This is fantastic news for both residents and pharmacists. Pharmacists play a crucial role in managing medication in aged care, and this continued investment ensures they can provide the specialised care needed for this vulnerable population.

A Budget Focused on Well-being

This budget prioritises the health and well-being of Australians, and community pharmacies are right at the heart of delivering this vision. The measures announced will not only improve patient access to affordable medicines but also recognise the essential services pharmacies provide.

Finding a Fulfilling Pharmacy Career

As an Aussie community pharmacist, you play a vital role in the healthcare system. If you're looking for a new challenge or want to find a pharmacy job you love, Raven's Recruitment can help. With their extensive network and deep understanding of the pharmacy industry, they can connect you with the perfect opportunity.

The Albanese Government's budget is a positive step towards a healthier future for all Australians. With increased accessibility to medications and continued support for community pharmacies, it's an exciting time to be a pharmacist in Australia. So, what are you waiting for? Get out there and make a real difference in people's lives!


