
Employers turning a blind eye to University Grades

Blog University Min

It could be bad news for students who have spent too many hours focusing solely on their academic results, with a leading employer, PricewaterhouseCoopers, removing candidates' academic results from the final stages of law-graduate recruitment. To get a graduate job at PricewaterhouseCoopers candidates had to jump through many of the usual hoops including online personality questionnaires, a video interview and group activities.

But at the final stage, the firm hid the candidates test scores and academic transcripts from interviewers to remove any unconscious bias.

PricewaterhouseCoopers legal partner Tim Blue said, "blacking out academic transcripts at the final stage of the interview process helped the firm get a better mix of candidates with diverse skills".

Heidi Dariz, General Manager at Ravens Recruitment says that the process has merit and reflects more broadly the emphasis on picking great all-rounders. "Businesses are learning and pharmacy is leading the way in understanding that academic results are only one element in the selection process. Pharmacy is a people business; it's about building enduring relationships with customers that can span decades and respected relationships with fellow workers that ultimately form the basis of a successful career."

For more information on finding the right staff for your pharmacy, contact Heidi Dariz, General Manager on 1800 429 829 or